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FISO: Crack the Code

If you are a football fan and enthusiast and would like to keep a tab on the movement of players, the fees which they command, their acceptability amongst various teams, their current form, their past performance and other such details, then certainly you will find the next few lines interesting and informative.

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Many of these football enthusiasts go a step further, and they create their own fantasy football teams, and they play what is referred to as Fantasy Premier League or FPL.

They pick up players and create an imaginary team and matches are played against one another. It is not only prevalent in football but also in other sports such as cricket, golf, tennis and so on.

However, in this article, we will be looking at a different aspect called FISO. They are known to come out with their own crack the code solution which is also known as CTC.


What Is It All About?


It would be pertinent to mention that CTC has been live for many seasons now and for the 2014/15 season which was quite difficult and tough CTC certainly played a big role in the correct assessment of players in terms of cost.

This has helped a lot in recruiting the right players at the right cost. CTC first came into being in 2006/07, and it was possible because of the hard work by a group of FISO members also referred to as The Boffins.


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They started the process of collating information and automating them. They then started to publish the results. This certainly was a valuable tool for Fantasy Football Managers because they started benefiting from the price rises and drops and could take the right decision.

We will try and look at the various aspects of FISO the crack code so that readers can get a better perspective of the same.


FISO: Crack the Code


CTC or crack the code put in plain and simple words is a site which predicts as to which players see their values increase or decrease as far as the FPL or Fantasy Premier League is concerned.


FISO Crack Code


As mentioned earlier it has been developed by an FISO member Diamondplus, and he has been able to come out with a formula which is being used by FPL for determining the reasons for such increases and decreases in the price value of various players.

It also tries to find out as to when these prices increase and decrease though it may not be possible to predict the same accurately at all points of time.


Does the CTC Data Get Updated?


No information which as important as CTC can be considered relevant and useful if it remains static. Hence, it is quite that the information is updated seven times each day starting at 9.00 AM and the last update is done at 22.00 hours each day.




This does not mean that such updating will see huge increases or decreases in the price of various players and at times the increase or decrease could be as low as £0.1 in a single day. However, it is possible to see significant changes in prices over a week long period.


What Information Does the CTC Page Contain?


When one looks at the information contained in the FISO crack page, at first sight, it might look a bit confusing, and not many will be able to make much sense of it.

However, on a closer look, they will be able to get some useful and pertinent information. The extreme right-hand corner will feature target NTI. NTI is the acronym for Net Transfers In.

This figure is calculated by taking all the teams which are into buying of players. Then the value of all the players who are being sold is taken into account and totaled. For a player to have increased in value, he must be able to hit the NTI target.


It Also Shares Information about Sale & Purchase of Players


It also would be pertinent to mention here that the FPL site covers information on all sales and purchases of players.


FISO Crack The Code


There is a transfer tab available on the FPL site, and if the same is clicked, it will give all the relevant information. It will show information about transfers out, transfers in and the same information for the week under consideration. Hence this information may not be available in the NTI page.


How to Know If the Value of a Player Has Increased?


Without getting too complex about the whole thing pertaining to CTC, it would be pertinent to mention that if a player can meet his NTI target then automatically it would mean that his value and pricing has gone up though it could be minuscule as mentioned earlier.


FISO Crack


It will certainly be a great index to get a reasonably clear idea about the current form and demand of various players. However, it needs to be understood that the increase in the value of a player does not get carried on to the next day or the next week. Each day is a new beginning, and there is nothing known as carry-forward here.


The Value of Players Can Increase Many Times


It would also be pertinent to understand that the value and pricing of players could see their prices going up many times each day.

The same will get reflected each time the updating of figures and data is made seven times daily as mentioned in the beginning. It also would be pertinent to mention that the target of the players will be brought back to its original value each day




These are just a few bits of information about the pricing of players as far as the FPL is concerned. There are lots of other useful bits and pieces of information which one needs to know.

There are many websites and other sources from where it would be possible to get the desired information at all points of time. In fine, it certainly is an invaluable tool for fixing the price of players on a regular basis for FPL.


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